I am a qualified, experienced therapist with a broad knowledge of Eastern and Western therapeutic practices which I have gained over the last 20 years.

My first experience of a shiatsu treatment was 21 years ago. I was left feeling like I had discovered a new dimension to life. I was amazed at how physical touch could shift my migraine and transform my experience of emotional unease. I was intrigued and wanted to learn more.

A large part of my 3 year shiatsu practitioner training was about learning to be with my emotions and process difficult life experiences. I did this through receiving shiatsu treatments and talking therapy. This was nothing short of profound. I had never visited such depths of pain and yet equally felt so resourced. I felt joyful, I felt alive, I felt free and I was so inspired. I later completed a degree in counselling and trained in other therapeutic dialogues including Focusing, to deepen my knowledge and allow me to offer a more complete therapeutic approach.

Through both personal and professional experiences I have developed the capacity to build deep and meaningful therapeutic relationships. Within these relationships I now witness my clients’ process their own difficult life experiences with a sense of trust and safety. It is a great honour to walk with each person on their journey, to see them grow and transform their lives in ways that are meaningful to them. I find my work deeply life affirming which fills me with much vitality. 

Alongside my therapeutic practice I believe balance is the key to a happy life, I enjoy spending time relaxing with my friends and family when we’re not out exploring the world.